Let’s Think ART-ificial! When Technology Meets Creativity

Artificial intelligence and creativity

In a blink of the eye machines have become an integral part of our lives: they earn us money, save our lives and take our jobs … the jobs we find tedious, routine and boring. The implementation of AI has already altered the business landscape beyond recognition. Which 5 industries will AI disrupt the most over the next 10 years? Let’s find some answers on inc.сom.


You don’t really need to study the article above to understand that marketing is in TOP 5. Most of our readers already work side-by-side with artificial intelligence. And, according to the Content Marketing Institute, there are at least 8 ways you can benefit from using AI in your campaigns.


And yet, we shouldn’t rely solely on computer algorithms. Today, in the age of martech and the engagement economy, creativity is more important than ever. After all, to show a promo and to make it seen are completely different things. Convincing reasons (and the same convincing examples) are offered by MarTech Today.

Tapgerine recommends

Mobile advertising is among the industries where a reasonable combination of human and artificial intelligence can drive paramount results. However, the benefits of this symbiosis are also applicable to other areas of digital marketing.


No matter what your goal is: sales growth, increase in installs or brand awareness, search engine optimization can simplify the task dramatically. 5 ways to balance technical and non-technical SEO are described by Search Engine Land experts.

Video Marketing

Buzzsumo has conducted quite a massive study on this topic. They analyzed more than 100 million Facebook videos and made up the “formula” for the ideal video ad. Find out the length, topic and style which attract users the most – this knowledge will become useful even beyond the realm of social media.

An interesting case of combining the science of data and the art of storytelling is discussed in an eMarketer interview with Nicole Perrin. It shows how personalization and automation used together can provide a more compelling message to consumers.


And finally, let’s entertain ourselves with vivid infographics – find out how colors affect your visitors. Such studies are conducted quite often, but Iconic Fox has added a some interesting details: the difference in reaction between men and women, and also the “cheap-o-meter” – the measurement of how cheap the color looks. Knowing what emotions are triggered by a specific shade, you will be able to send a better message to different segments of your target audience.


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