Tapgerine News Digest: All The Best of December
Investment payback is one of the main success indicators of any campaign, and every self-respecting marketer has to know all the nuances of calculating ROI and LTV. Appsflyer presented an excellent summary of the main points to remember. There’s also a detailed manual on the same subject for especially curious readers, available for download by the same link.
User engagement in applications and mobile data consumption, in general, has an important role for all mobile advertising market players. MarketingTech rolled out two articles on this subject: the basic one about what engagement means to advertisers and user’s guide on ensuring human engagement in mobile advertising campaigns. Recommended for reading and discussion!
Google announced a massive update of Google Contributor in 2017. For those who need a brief recall, this service is software giant’s own program, which allows you to browse sites without seeing ads administered by Google. It is worth noting that the Contributor worked with no major updates for the last two years. Now is a good time to consider the ways in which Contributor’s “second breath” will affect business opportunities of 2017.
Are millennials your target audience? Then do not miss this VentureBeat material, revealing all the secrets of how to work with this category of users and how to effectively use geolocation in determining marketing strategies. The article targets startups, but there’s plenty of useful information for both market newcomers and those who want to improve the long-running business.
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According to the results of this year’s user acquisition campaigns, YouAppi found that native ads generate up to 40% more clicks than any other type of ads. And there are many reasons for this: native advertising is much more user-friendly, aims just the right audience and looks natural. Here in Tapgerine we believe that this is one of the most effective types of ads and the YouAppi conclusions only confirm this!
Trends, trends, and trends again. On the eve of 2017, all companies are trying to keep their eye on the ball, tracking analyzes, forecasts, and trends from different sources. We present you two fresh materials from Mobyaffiliates and VentureBeat, that share the latest interesting thoughts on “what to expect in the mobile marketing market in the new year”.
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