Tapgerine mobile traffic monetization

After being on the mobile advertising market for 3+ years, Tapgerine has established itself as one of the key players in both mobile advertising and mobile affiliate marketing. There are a number of methods to demonstrate the way the company does business on the market, and one of them is analyzing the numbers. Let’s look at the key performance metrics Tapgerine has recently published.

As of today, Tapgerine mobile ad platform generates more than 5M clicks a month, which results in more than 6M downloads a year. These numbers reveal the mobile app traffic volume the company deals with on a regular basis. Certainly, the real power of any ad or mobile affiliate network lies in the number of trusted and reliable partners, and Tapgerine has managed to build healthy business relationships with more than 4,000 mobile traffic partners.

Tapgerine Key Performance Metrics

tapgerine stats in numbers

Next up is the company’s traffic sources split percentage. Here we see that the bulk of the company’s traffic comes from in-app banners, native ads and video traffic and it represents 35% of all traffic. RTBS (Real Time Bidding System) / DSPs (Demand Side Platform) contribute 20% collectively. The rest, which is 45%, is divided among traffic from affiliate networks, developers with non-app products and, finally, media buyers, and is generated by Tapgerine own team of media buyers.

Tapgerine Traffic Sources Split Percentage


There is no doubt that numbers are a great indicator to measure the company’s performance, but at the same time we shouldn’t underestimate the value of the team of employees that stands behind these numbers. The key of success in building long-term business relationships and what essentially allows a company to thrive over time is the people who work in it and how they communicate with clients and partners on a daily basis. And this is another strong point that helps Tapgerine remain at its current position on the mobile advertising market.

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