Mobile traffic sources

Mobile traffic sources

There more that 200 different traffic soures for mobile
All of them have different opportunities for targeting, and the prices for them are also different.
Below is a list of the most popular sources of traffic with a “low” threshold of entry, with which you can begin work.

Adwords – The biggest, the best. Huge amount of all sorts of traffic mobile as well as desktop.
AirPush – Android traffic source majorly but iOS is also present.
Adfonic – Banner network with in app traffic.
Buzzcity – Network that oriented on Asian traffic. Prices are low but so is the quality.
Inmobi – Very popular network with broad targeting options.
Mobfox – Majorly EU oriented network.
MillenialMedia – Big network good targeting opportunities

As I wrote above, there are more than 200 traffic sources. Infographics with an enormous number of advertising networks wandered around the network. On the author’s blog, it can not be found, but you can stumble across Google.


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