Back To The Future Of Advertising

future mobile marketing

The future of mobile marketing is happening today – all of the “tasty” news this September only proves this statement. The past month has introduced us to a large number of innovative developments and bold forecasts. Let’s lean into the most interesting ones!

Mobile Marketing: the Present and the Future

Let’s start our monthly review with a glimpse into the very near future, the upcoming year. Smart Insights singled out the TOP 10 Marketing Trends to act on in 2018. They did not limit themselves to the future alone. The article allows you to plunge into the past by downloading Digital Marketing Megatrends 2017 report, and to influence the present by voting for marketing activity that you think will make the largest commercial impact in the near future.


And yet, the most influential trend of the future (and the present) is video advertising. Now, it is at its peak. More and more market leaders are fueling its popularity. In the year ahead, Facebook will make one of its biggest investments in video, pursuing an ambitious, but quite achievable goal – to compete with YouTube, Netflix and Hulu.


For those already involved in shooting a video, we have a useful collection of “useless” tips and tricks. Learn 5 incredibly effective ways to turn off audiences with bad video from TopRank Marketing.

If you already have video content and wish to show it to the right user, we’ve got great news for you. We have upgraded our CPM platform with new technologies for video delivery, and our blog – with a vivid infographic dedicated to our recent solutions.

New Mobile Marketing Solutions

Chatbots are no longer a rarity in e-commerce. They are becoming smarter, more sophisticated and even managed to generate a unique bot-to-bot ecosystem. MarTech Today declare that we are witnessing the birth of the era of bots, which will dramatically change how products are marketed and sold.


At the same time, advertising penetrates into augmented reality. A solution for placing promo ads into AR apps was presented by a team of developers from Google and Snapchat at the last TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2017 hackathon. The ARAD platform helps developers gain a way to make money and still get their apps into the hands of as many people as possible.


Another hot technological trend is now becoming closer to being accepted in the advertising community. IAB Tech Lab has set up the new Blockchain Working Group whose main task is to implement standards and protocols for the utilization of blockchain concept in the digital space.


So, what is the future of advertising? Is it interactive, personalized and creative or, on the contrary, more intrusive and all-pervasive? What do you think? Do not hesitate to share your thoughts on this matter in the comments.

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